Friday, April 15, 2011

He always was a little squirt...

But THIS is ridiculous! (wah wah waaaah)
 Seriously though. There is nothing about this idea that I do not love.
Although.... "Squirtle owned count" doesnt have quite the same ring to it...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blondes DO have more fun...

A question that has plagued man and giant monkey alike, since time began.
Alas, the world may never know...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey Vegeta! Is he done yet? Is he done yet? Is he done yet, Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta?

The sad thing? This is totally something that WOULD happen in DBZ.
That, and this comic actually cuts OUT a lot of the charge up time on that attack.