Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cell looks... different in this form.

And by different I mean AMAZING.
...And hyper-realistic. Just like that one thing that made you cry.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Goku gets blue balled

GET IT?!!?
Cause Goku's getting punched in the BALLS?
By a BLUE guy?
(Im terribly sorry for that pun)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vegeta's fanboy moment

Yeah, pretty much what happened. I mean, he may not have said Vegeta "chan"
but other than that its pretty much dead-on.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dragonball..... GT? uh... ok.

The sad thing is, this would have actually made for a better show than the-sequel-series-that-shall-not-be-named.
(AKA Dragonball-GT)
Well, I guess you cant really expect GT to be any good,
since Akira Toriyama (The creator of the Dragonball series) had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, GT was never part of the original, or "real" story. In fact, Toriyama WANTED to end the series after the Cell Saga, but the studio convinced him to do the Buu Saga.
After that, they did GT entirely without his input.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Say you need to charge Special Beam Cannon for 5 minutes.
Do it for 20

Predict Namek will blow up in five minutes.
Fight on it for another 10 episodes.

Guess that it'll take an hour or so to get back to Earth from King Kai's
Take 4 hours.

Guess that his power level is under 9000
Guessed wrong.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Immaturity part 2: THE WINDS OF VENGENCE!!!

Im not sure if this is more immature, exactly as immature, or just the logical continuation of my previous immaturity.

Either way, we seemed to inadvertently proved one of the most hotly debated theories of all time.
Gentlemen... we have proven that...

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ok, I take that back, THIS is the most immature joke Ive posted.

I stand corrected, this is MUCH more immature than my last one. ^_^
Who thinks I can get even MORE immature? 8D
Also, yes I noticed "Kakarot" is misspelled in there, and yes I know this doesnt even fit in with the timeline.
(Piccolo being alive after goku got to earth, Gohan wearing the Kame House orange jumpsuit, etc)

Monday, July 11, 2011

This is probably the most immature joke Ive put on here

But dammit if it didnt still make me laugh.
What, like youve never laughed at a fart joke?

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Master Roshi will rape everything you've ever loved.

Master Roshi will rape everything you've ever loved.
And everything you've ever hated.
And everything you've ever been like, "ehhhh... not sure if want..."
He will rape it ALL.

Does this... count as... Yaoi?

Whatever it is, its terrifying. Also, Im not sure, but from the art style I think this may be from VG cats.
Anyone know for sure?
(Please note that I am far too lazy to go and read through all the VG cats strips again to find out.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dont touch his BALLS!

Oh yeah, jokes about touching people's balls. Testicles, balls and nutsacks!
We are CLASSY.

Also, Shenron is very selfish. I'd gladly let you see my balls.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

I want to show you my BALLS!

Look! Its your lovable blogger friend, having fun at Colossalcon! And whats this?
He has something to show you? Oh how nice!

And yes, that is me. Yes, I am doing a half-assed cosplay of Vegeta,
and yes, I am making EVERYONE look at my balls.

EDIT: Sorry for the tiny size. Blogger wont let me resize the video at all.
There is a full size version on my youtube channel.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What could he be looking at? Oh... its that? huh.... OHDEARGODWHYYYYYYYY?!?!?!

What is he looking at?
What could POSSIBLY freak out a galactic tyrant who has killed billions and destroyed entire worlds?!
Oh yeah, this.

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Ummm.... accurate Dodoria cosplay?

So yeah, I honestly have NO idea who/what the f**k the image on the left is...
However, for the sake of my sanity, I choose to believe it is a cosplay of Dodoria.